Why Every Writer Needs a Word Count Tool
Why Every Writer Needs a Reliable Word Counter Tool
What writer doesn’t look at the word count? That’s not writing you’re doing there! No writer in the right mind (pun intended), will forget to check the word count of whatever he or she is working on.
Check out more reasons below to convince you to use a word counter sooner rather than later:
You Can Access It from Anywhere
Provided that you’re connected to the internet, a word counter tool can be accessed from any of the devices you might be using no matter where you are. It’s why writers who are always on the go can’t help but gush over the accessibility of this tool.
It’s Budget-Friendly
Many word counter tools you can find online right now either come with a free trial version or are completely free to use. It makes them a more budget-friendly option than other software programs that often charge you per usage or installation.
Get Feedback in Real Time
The counting process starts automatically right from the moment you enter some text in a word counter tool. It goes to say that the word count visibly changes every time you type something. It helps you check how long your text has gotten to as you go.
User-Friendly and Convenient
Why count all those words manually yourself when you can just copy and paste everything into a word counter tool and then let it do the work for you? To make things even better, you don’t even have to download or install any software. It’s also compatible with most devices, including your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.
It Keeps You Motivated and Focused
Most of you would surely agree that something is motivating and even therapeutic about the act of counting words. The sense of fulfillment even doubles up if you’re writing a challenging or lengthy document. This gives you a definite goal for you to achieve so that you remain focused on finishing your writing.
It’s Versatile
Word counter tools are great for any purpose, from counting the words on your documents to checking the readability of texts, or monitoring the progress of your writing.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer, a blogger, a business person, or a student, a reliable word counter tool should be part of your arsenal.