Tips for Writing Engaging Product Descriptions with the Right Word Count

Be honest. When’s the last time you bothered to read a product description before placing an order for it? It might be what you’ve been doing a few minutes ago!
Purchases over the internet have become so prevalent that they have almost become a way of life for most people the world over.

Considering its massive demand, you’ll realize how important it is to optimize your product pages. In this case, the key elements are none other than the descriptions.

Here’s the most important part, though. You can’t just write your descriptions in complete abandon. A bad description will only lead to a bad user experience, not to mention that it can also hurt your search engine rankings.

One of the most important factors you need to optimize your product pages is the word count of your descriptions.

Take a look at some word count tips for writing engaging product descriptions:

Know Your Target Audience

Don’t just jump into writing without knowing your target audience first. Every audience group has specific preferences when it comes to the lengths of product descriptions. A tech-savvy audience, for example, might want more detailed specifications.
Conversely, fashion-inclined shoppers would rather read evocative and vivid descriptions. You can boost audience engagement if you tailor the style and length of your product descriptions to your intended audience.

Clear and Concise, Please

K.I.S.S (Keep It Short or Simple) is key in times when people’s attention spans are getting shorter by the day. Make sure that your product descriptions are always direct to the point and concise.
A product description should ideally have anywhere from 50 to 200 words. It is a long enough range to offer critical details while still keeping it short to not lose the attention of the reader. Emphasize the most important benefits and features of the product and do away with any unnecessary fluff.

Benefits First, Features Next

Although your product descriptions should include essential features, your descriptions will be more engaging if you highlight the benefits instead. Customers are more interested in knowing how the product can make their lives better or solve any problems they might be having. 

So rather than just focusing on the powerful motor of a blender, explain how the feature will ensure faster and smoother blending to improve the efficiency of their morning routine.

Allow Easy Reading with Bullet Points

Bullet points have always been a helpful tool to keep information organized and make the descriptions more readable. The bullets can break up text so that customers can just skim over the details and find any information they’re looking for right away. Bullet points come in handy for highlighting benefits, features, and other key details like instructions, materials, and dimensions. 

Be Natural with the Keywords

Keeping your product descriptions SEO-ready will drive more traffic to your product pages. Determine relevant keywords that might be used by potential customers when looking for your products. Add these keywords as naturally as you can to the descriptions without overly stuffing them. Stick to a keyword density of 1% to 2%. 

Follow these tips and have the most engaging descriptions for your products!

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